
A geek dad with 4 great children who married well above himself and who, by grace alone, loves the Lord Jesus. Loves geek gadgets all too much, yet desires mountains & no cell towers. Follows tech mavens, yet holds views most won’t share. Loves creativity and new expression given, yet is quite orthodox. A contrarian? “Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.” Lewis Carroll

I mostly write about books or themes from books; I occasionally write about movies, music and technology. Alas, I never write about cats or post cute cat pictures which means I have a target audience of 3. My goal isn’t to convince you of my views but rather provide reasons for my views which help you arrive at yours. If my writing helps you reflect on your own views, my job here is done.

For those of you with a more theological bent, you may be interested in my other blog trianglereformed.wordpress.com

Full Disclosure: I am part of the Amazon Associates program. Some of the items I review (books, music & movies) have links that lead to Amazon and if you purchase something in this way, I receive some compensation. I don’t think this “lunch money” influences my decisions on what to review or the content of the review, but there you are. In fact, I encourage you to buy these items at your local bookstore, I’m sure they would appreciate the support.

I no longer take requests for reviews.

Twitter: @jtfrazier
my read shelf:Joe Frazier's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

16 thoughts on “About”

  1. Joe:

    Do you take review requests? I recently put a techno thriller on Amazon.com. Here’s the link: http://amzn.com/B00EQEF2LI

    Let me know if you would be interested in getting the book and posting a review.

    Best regards,

    Jacob Whaler

    • Jacob,

      I have occasionally taken a review request. Unfortunately, I’m reading 2 ARCs now, so it would be some time before I could get to your book. Looks like an interesting premise.

  2. You have a fun about page here and a very interesting blog premise. I love to read about books and themes from books plus I will never post a cat picture – several points in common already. :)

  3. Redneck Garage said:

    No cat pictures? A blog worth following. But alas, my dog is part of my blog.

  4. Interesting About page :-)

  5. Hey Joe!

    Just discovered you on Twitter. Wondered if you’d be interested in my debut novel- a post-apocalyptic adventure with a female hero. I’d be happy to send you a copy in the format of your choice. I really like how thorough you are.

    Meg Elison

    • Meg, First, thanks for you kind comments. Second, from at least the sample I read of The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, you’re a fabulous writer. If that’s first book you’ve written, you’ve honed your craft quickly. While I’ve read dystopian novels, it’s not my favorite genre. Yours is particularly dark. While your writing is great, the content is too tough for me to take (yup, I admit I’m a whimp), so I’m going to have to pass on this one. If you ever write anything less dark, please let me know. You’re a bit like Stephen King to me, great writer but I dislike horror.

      • Joe,

        What a lovely and thorough refusal! Very much like your reviews, and I imagine like yourself. I appreciate the time you took to read a sample, and your assessment is dead-on. Thank you, you’re a great blogger and a class act. I hope a great book that is perfectly suited lands in your lap sometime soon.



  6. Hey Michele, Thanks for your kind words. I would be willing to consider. Can you send me more info and access to sample(s)? Also, I’ll need access to music and lyrics to do the review, if we move forward

  7. Hey Joe,

    In the past, you had reviewed a pair of hearing devices from Signia. They recently announced a new device that is the industry’s first hearing aid platform to replicate nature – Signia Nx. The result is the wearer hears their own voice naturally for easier acceptance of amplification while still being able to hear sounds coming from their surroundings as appropriately amplified. I would be happy to connect you with a local audiologist in your area to get a pair to test and provide your thoughts? Let me know if this would be of interest to you. Note – I work with the Sigina marketing team on introducing bloggers to the hearing devices.

  8. How thoughtful and refreshing… best wishes!

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